Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Day 17: TAG you're it: a happy list (10 things...:)

it's a great idea, really.
writing down things that make you happy. like counting your blessings.
remind yourself that your life is incredible. even if its incredible just because you're breathing and you've got wi-fi. even if its just because you're in pain - it means your alive.
even if its just because you had ice-cream last night.
even if.
count your blessings.

~~ it is autumn.

~~which means i can wear sweaters and boots again.

~~we went on a train trip to Portland and it was lovely. (more pictures to come, etc.)

~~ + new music to listen to. my ipod isn't even close to full but its got all my faves.

~~ god is patient. god is gracious. god is listening. 

~~ COFFEE: because its always a toss-up between a hazelnut breve and an americano with room for 
cream and sugar.

~~ a new bible study on Hebrews. The Nearness of King Jesus by Lisa Harper. its really good to get out and go to a bible study that isn't based solely on my own motivation.

~~ i'm signing up for college. my brain got bored over the summer and this fall. yay midwifery school. (maybe? probably? unless something drastic happens.)

~~ these little girls, my nieces. (aren't they adorable?) their mom (my sister) took the photo.

~~ the fact that God has everything under control.  Hebrews 4:13 "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account."

if you read all the way through this post then i tag you. comment below some of the things that you're thankful for! or steal the idea and do it on your blog. :D

p.s. I'm behind on this little Blogtober adventure AGAIN but i promise you that i will catch up. :D

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